A Milestone Inspection For Commercial Property in Atlantis, FL

A Milestone Inspection For Commercial Property in Atlantis, FL

A milestone inspection is a structural safety building inspection required by state law. It must be performed by Florida-licensed engineers or architects. This inspection looks for significant signs of substantial structural deterioration.

It has two phases. In phase one, the licensed professional conducts a visual examination. If no significant signs of substantial deterioration are observed, the subsequent phase two inspection may not be necessary. Contact us Markone Contractors.


A Milestone Inspection For Commercial Property in Atlantis

The foundation of a commercial property in Atlantis must be inspected periodically. If there are signs of substantial structural deterioration, it should be repaired or replaced as soon as possible. A Florida-licensed engineer or architect should perform a visual examination of the structure and evaluate the condition of the foundation, including lateral force transfer systems.

A non-profit organization called the Atlantis Blue Project Foundation (ABPF) is working with a team of experts in Bermuda and at the University of the Bahamas to build and equip a new biosecure facility that will temporarily save coral species from SCTLD until they can be safely returned to the reefs. The project will also provide training opportunities for local residents and students to learn how to care for the reefs.

ABPF’s mission is to foster the preservation and conservation of coral reefs, sea turtles, sharks, manatees, and cetaceans, along with their Bahamian ecosystems through research, education and community outreach. The 501(c)3 nonprofit is working with the Bahamas Ministry of Agriculture, Marine Resources and Family Island Affairs, the Perry Institute for Marine Science, and the University of the Bahamas.

Load-Bearing Walls

Load-bearing walls are the walls that support the roof and brace the structure against the wind. They are typically more than 30 centimeters thick and run perpendicular to floor joists. If you are considering doing renovations that will change the layout of a room, it is important to identify which walls are load-bearing and which ones are partition walls. This can help avoid putting the stability of the house at risk by removing a load-bearing wall without replacing it with a structural beam.

A good way to determine if a wall is load-bearing is to look for joists that run parallel to it and rest on it. You can also tell if a wall is load-bearing by listening to it: if it sounds solid, it’s a load-bearing wall; if it sounds hollow, it’s probably a partition wall.

Atlantis is an advanced system for constructing cavities, under-floor ventilated floors and honeycomb or box foundation rafts (superrafts). It’s easy to position and provides time savings of up to 80% thanks to its lightness and modularity. It’s also hygienic and offers a sanitary space with a humidity barrier.

A Milestone Inspection For Commercial Property in Atlantis

Shear Walls

When lateral forces like high winds, severe weather or earthquakes put pressure on buildings, shear walls absorb that pressure and transfer it to the ground foundation. The lateral strength they provide prevents buildings from swaying or falling.

Wood shear walls are constructed by attaching sheathing, typically plywood or oriented strand board (OSB), to wood frames. Builders secure the sheathing with fasteners and hold-downs sized and spaced to an engineer’s specifications. They then mechanically connect the sheathing to the frames using studs and nails.

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Large-scale nonseismic reinforced concrete shear walls are tested under lateral cyclic loading with an emphasis placed on inherent displacement ductility and the effect of nonseismic design practices and improved reinforcement detailing techniques. A model is developed to predict the performance of these shear walls based on their component classification and construction requirements. The model is also used to investigate the effects of wood moisture content and mechano-sorptive creep on shear wall behavior. It is found that shear walls with a lower wood moisture content and higher shear strengths perform better. These results can help improve the design of shear walls for use in seismic-resistant structures.

Roof Deck

The roof of a commercial property is one of the most critical parts of the building and should be inspected regularly for damage or signs of failure. Taking care of roofing repairs as early as possible can help ensure that your business stays safe and secure. Whether you own a small retail store, office building, fast food restaurant, or other commercial business, Atlantis can provide a detailed roof inspection and quote. Contact us to learn more or get a free estimate today!


If there’s a balcony on a building, it’s going to need to be evaluated. Oftentimes the re-bar is rusted out which weakens the concrete and it could collapse. Some balconies only need work a couple feet in, but others will need to be completely removed and replaced.

A large upscale condominium in Atlantis required a structural milestone inspection with emphasis on structural conditions, life safety and current code compliance along with a reserve fund study. CA also performed a  concrete restoration, balcony/screen repair and fire line repairs for this project. The results of these projects have resulted in a building that is safe for its residents to live in and enjoy.

A Milestone Inspection For Commercial Property in Atlantis

Navigating Regulatory Compliance

Navigating the intricate landscape of regulatory compliance is a crucial aspect of commercial property development. Atlantis, FL, like any other location, has its own set of regulations governing construction and property management. In this section, we’ll explore how Milestone Inspections play a pivotal role in ensuring compliance and mitigating potential risks and legal challenges.

Atlantis, FL’s unique regulatory landscape poses challenges for commercial property developers. Understanding and adhering to local regulations is essential to avoid legal complications and project delays. Our Milestone Inspections are designed to thoroughly assess whether a project complies with all relevant regulations in Atlantis, FL, providing clients with peace of mind and reducing the risk of legal challenges.

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Enhancing Safety Features

Safety is paramount in any commercial property, and Milestone Inspections place a strong emphasis on identifying and enhancing safety features. We delve into the significance of safety in commercial properties, detailing how our inspections meticulously examine and improve safety features. Real-world examples will highlight instances where our assessments have led to tangible safety enhancements in Atlantis, FL’s commercial properties.

Ensuring the safety of occupants and visitors is a top priority in commercial property development. Milestone Inspections go beyond identifying structural issues; they meticulously examine safety features such as fire exits, emergency lighting, and adherence to safety codes. Our commitment to safety has resulted in tangible improvements in past inspections, making commercial properties in Atlantis, FL, more secure and compliant.

The Environmental Impact

In an era where environmental consciousness is paramount, Milestone Inspections also consider the impact of commercial properties on the 

environment. We explore how our assessments address environmental concerns, ensuring that properties in Atlantis, FL, adhere to sustainable practices. The section will also touch on the growing importance of incorporating environmentally friendly elements in commercial property development.

Commercial property development shouldn’t come at the expense of the environment. Milestone Inspections take into account environmental factors, assessing the impact of projects on the surrounding ecosystem. Our commitment to sustainable practices aligns with the global shift towards environmentally conscious construction, contributing to the responsible development of commercial properties in Atlantis, FL.

A Milestone Inspection For Commercial Property in Atlantis

Technology Integration in Inspections

In an era dominated by technological advancements, Milestone Inspections leverage cutting-edge tools and software to enhance accuracy and efficiency. We delve into the role of technology in our inspections, outlining the advantages of incorporating modern tools. Real-world examples will showcase how technology integration has revolutionized the inspection process, providing clients with more precise and insightful assessments in Atlantis, FL.

Technology has transformed the landscape of commercial property inspections. Our use of advanced tools and software allows for more accurate and efficient assessments. From 3D imaging to drone technology, we harness the power of innovation to provide clients in Atlantis, FL, with unparalleled insights into their commercial properties. This section explores the various ways in which technology has become an integral part of Milestone Inspections.


Our inspections are meticulously designed to navigate Atlantis, FL’s regulatory landscape. We thoroughly understand local regulations and ensure that your commercial property complies with all relevant codes, minimizing legal risks and delays.

Absolutely. Our inspections go beyond general safety assessments. We identify and address specific safety concerns unique to your commercial property in Atlantis, FL, enhancing the overall safety features to protect occupants and visitors.

Yes, we actively consider environmental factors in our assessments and recommend sustainable practices for commercial property development in Atlantis, FL. Embracing eco-friendly elements is not just a trend; it’s a responsible approach towards construction.

Technology plays a crucial role in enhancing the accuracy and efficiency of our inspections. Modern tools and software provide precise data, allowing us to offer insightful assessments for your commercial property in Atlantis, FL.

Our inspections identify vulnerabilities to natural disasters and provide recommendations to build resilience. Through successful strategies and case studies, we ensure that your commercial property in Atlantis, FL, can withstand unforeseen challenges.


A Milestone Inspection for commercial properties in Atlantis, FL is more than just a routine check—it’s a strategic investment in the success and longevity of your project. From regulatory compliance to safety enhancements, environmental considerations to technology integration, and disaster resilience to aesthetic improvements, our inspections cover a comprehensive spectrum.

Investing in Milestone Inspection is a proactive step towards ensuring the smooth progression of your commercial project. The unique challenges posed by Atlantis, FL, demand tailored assessments, and our commitment to detailed evaluations, affordability, and reliability makes us the go-to choice for businesses in the region.

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